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Amnethen was an island nation in the southern hemisphere of the planet Shurek, ruled by the dictator Lord Vin. It is the setting of Dragoon X Omega.



A millennium before the events of Dragoon X Omega, Amnethen arose to prominence due to extremely rapid advancements in technology that quickly proliferated to other cultures of the world. In but a few centuries most of the world's populations went from subsistence farming and nomadic herding to living in vast metropolises.

All of this was due to Viesti, the legendary "Techno Goddess", who promised to return in one thousand years to take the people of Shurek with her to Paradise after giving them the secrets of high technologies. When they were ready, She said...

Unfortunately, as the technology for waging war advanced along with all others so did feelings of superiority and hostility between nations grow. With the advent of nuclear weapons, an uneasy stalemate was held for decades where no wars of any consequence were fought, but this was not to hold forever. Eventually a nation who's name is now lost to history launched an atomic strike on its neighbors, and the entirety of Shurek burned in atomic fire as all other nations launched their nuclear arsenals in an attempt at mutually assured destruction.

Though almost everyone in the world died that day, small pockets of humanity did manage to cling on to a hard and desperate life. These few that survived came to call this event "The Ravaging".

Despite all odds, humanity and civilization began to recover, reaching pre-industrial levels of technology after the march of centuries. With newfound freedom from the burdens of living purely for survival, interest began to form around exploring the ruins from the time before The Ravaging.

In the tattered shreds of the old world's knowledge, many lost disciplines of science and engineering were recovered. Societies around the world soon approached the level of sophistication as those from so long before. Control of electricity, flight, even rudimentary space travel were all soon everyday things. But in Amnethen, something would be rediscovered that would change the course of history forever...

The end of all things.



Dragoon X Omega series
Dragoon X Omega
Characters Duke ArgusNeverbornNikaViestiLord Vin
Key Items Atomic BombLocator CubeMusty BoneNuktek ID BadgeSonic OrbTitanium CylinderUranium
Terminology Meta KnightPSI
Locations AmnethenThe ArkEast TownGedrinNuktekPhuunShurekUsandTors
Archives PSIsBestiaryGunarmsArmorsShieldsItems
Dragoon X Omega II
Characters AnnaBinaDecaHalaHexaHigaPriestess KiaNeverbornOctaSargonSheBitchSiaSihnTyrisVarion
Key Items Air KeyAnti RadiationCard KeyCutterEMPGrenadeLockpicksNaniteSourceSun KeyWatchZefroom
Terminology ShogonitePSI
Locations ArkDead PoolGreat Divide CaveHylisIce LabIsenfortMerkahNecrozarPergadorRaselaSansiaSleg MineTyris' BaseVarion's LairUris Desert
Archives PSIsBestiaryRiflesHelmsArmorsImplantsItems