The Ark

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The Ark was a massive world ship that was the birthplace of Viesti, the Techno Goddess. It was powered by a drive that harnessed a black hole to fold spacetime, allowing for faster than light travel.

The size of a small moon, at one time it housed a population of several million in a high tech metropolis located on its surface beneath a large dome. Viesti eventually killed them or twisted their bodies and minds via horrific experimental technologies, enslaving them into the service of her armies.

It was used by Nika to flee Shurek with the remaining population of Amnethen after The Neverborn's defeat, arriving at a distant habitable world within a few years. Nika then sealed and suspended it in orbit as they fled to the surface in shuttle craft found on the Ark.

700 years later, an attempt was made to take technology from it despite the sealing by building a Teleporter device, but this only served to open a gateway for the still-living legions of the Neverborn to pour through, collapsing civilization in a matter of weeks.

1,500 years after this, Nika's descendant, Sargon, travelled to the Ark and killed the nano-machine reincarnation of The Neverborn, destroying the Ark and himself along with it.

Characters from The Ark


Dragoon X Omega series
Dragoon X Omega
Characters Duke ArgusNeverbornNikaViestiLord Vin
Key Items Atomic BombLocator CubeMusty BoneNuktek ID BadgeSonic OrbTitanium CylinderUranium
Terminology Meta KnightPSI
Locations AmnethenThe ArkEast TownGedrinNuktekPhuunShurekUsandTors
Archives PSIsBestiaryGunarmsArmorsShieldsItems
Dragoon X Omega II
Characters AnnaBinaDecaHalaHexaHigaPriestess KiaNeverbornOctaSargonSheBitchSiaSihnTyrisVarion
Key Items Air KeyAnti RadiationCard KeyCutterEMPGrenadeLockpicksNaniteSourceSun KeyWatchZefroom
Terminology ShogonitePSI
Locations ArkDead PoolGreat Divide CaveHylisIce LabIsenfortMerkahNecrozarPergadorRaselaSansiaSleg MineTyris' BaseVarion's LairUris Desert
Archives PSIsBestiaryRiflesHelmsArmorsImplantsItems