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Rasela is a continent located on an unnamed earth-like planet, and is the setting of Dragoon X Omega II.

The Meta Knight, Nika, led the survivors of Amnethen to it by using Viesti enormous spaceship at the end of Dragoon X Omega.

Dragoon X Omega series
Dragoon X Omega
Characters Duke ArgusNeverbornNikaViestiLord Vin
Key Items Atomic BombLocator CubeMusty BoneNuktek ID BadgeSonic OrbTitanium CylinderUranium
Terminology Meta KnightPSI
Locations AmnethenThe ArkEast TownGedrinNuktekPhuunShurekUsandTors
Archives PSIsBestiaryGunarmsArmorsShieldsItems
Dragoon X Omega II
Characters AnnaBinaDecaHalaHexaHigaPriestess KiaNeverbornOctaSargonSheBitchSiaSihnTyrisVarion
Key Items Air KeyAnti RadiationCard KeyCutterEMPGrenadeLockpicksNaniteSourceSun KeyWatchZefroom
Terminology ShogonitePSI
Locations ArkDead PoolGreat Divide CaveHylisIce LabIsenfortMerkahNecrozarPergadorRaselaSansiaSleg MineTyris' BaseVarion's LairUris Desert
Archives PSIsBestiaryRiflesHelmsArmorsImplantsItems